2022-23 “Gateways” Undergrad Research in Archaeology

Over the 2022-23 academic year, the CCA “Gateways” program sponsored a team of undergrads to analyze obsidian from Dr. Claire Ebert's excavations in Belize, with supervision from graduate student Nick Suarez.
Click to download a PDF of their full research poster

2022-2023 Students presenting their poster at the Pitt Archaeology Research Fair.
2023-24 Gateways project: Digitzing Andean hillfort architecture and African stone tools
Students will work with Dr. Arkush, Dr. Goldstein, and an archaeology grad student on computers in the Archaeology Lab, digitzing residental architecture at pre-Columbian Andean hillfort setlements from high-resoluton images captured by drone photography, and digitzing drawings of ancient African stone tools for publicaton.
Interested in partcipating next year? Please contact Dr. Elizabeth Arkush (arkush@pitt.edu).